
It is both a duty and a privilege for Christians to financially support the work of the Church.  Although we do not stipulate how much you should give, we do suggest that you give in proportion to your income, bearing in mind the cost of other aspects of your life. As a registered charity (Charity Number XN45475) we appreciate every penny donated.  

You can support the Church in many ways: through regular offerings, and one-off donations, and by leaving us something in your will, and even by shopping online!


If you would like to make a cash donation on a regular basis, our Free Will Offering (FWO) Secretary or our Honorary Treasurer can provide you with FWO envelopes.   These should be placed in the collection box at the back of the church whenever you worship in St Peter’s.


The easiest way to financially support the parish is by bank transfer. Please use the following information to set up a one-off BACS transfer or a regular Standing Order.

Sort Code: 950121
Account Number: 31037609


Please make your cheque payable to “Parish of St Peter and St James, Belfast“. This should be posted to the Honorary Treasurer, St Peter’s Parish Office, Fortwilliam Drive, Belfast, BT15 4EB or placed in the collection box at the back of the church. 



PayPal is a safe way to make financial transactions online. Note that PayPal will take a small percentage of your donation. Click here for more information on how it works.  You can make a donation using PayPal by simply clicking on the Donate button below.  


SumUp is a straightforward way to make a donation to the parish using credit or debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Paypal. By clicking on the link below, or by scanning the QR code with another device, you will be asked for the amount you wish to donate, and then the means of payment.

You do not need to register a SumUp account if you would prefer to use this service as a guest. Please note that your details may not be made available to the parish by SumUp, and payments made this way may not be recorded against your name for accounting purposes. There is, however, an option to add a note alongside your donation, in which you can enter your name if you so wish.


If you would like to bequeath a contribution to the parish in your last will and testament, then please contact your solicitor. The legal name of our parish is “The Parish of St Peter & St James, Belfast” and this should be explicitly stated in your will.  Our registered address is St Peter’s Parish Office, Fortwilliam Drive, Belfast, BT15 4EB. 

Bequests can be (a) a capital sum to be spent as the Select Vestry sees fit, or (b) held in trust for the parish, with only the interest available to the Select Vestry, or (c) given to the parish for a specific purpose such as children’s ministry or buildings’ maintenance. In any event, it would be wise to speak to the Rector and the Honorary Treasurer.


If you shop online then you can use Easyfundraising to raise funds for our parish.  Over 2,700 well known retailers, including Amazon, John Lewis, eBay and Tesco will donate a small percentage of what you spend online to our parish to say thank you for shopping with them. It costs you absolutely nothing. 

Just visit and follow the simple steps to sign up.


If you shop online using Amazon, they will make a donation (0.5% of your purchase) to the parish through their Smiles project.  Choose Belfast/St Peter and St James/Connor/Church of Ireland when selecting a charity to support.